About us



Bargaining Committee

The function of these committees are to prepare collective bargaining proposals and to negotiate a Collective Agreement with their respective employer. Each Committee shall consist of the Unit Chair Person and a minimum of one additional member duly elected. The CUPE representative assigned to the Local shall be a non-voting member of each committee and shall be consulted at all stages, from formulating proposals, through negotiations, to contract ratification by each bargaining unit. Each Bargaining Committee shall also be responsible for forming the Strike Committee and the Strike Action Committee on the date that a strike vote has been taken. This committee will also deal with matters concerning the Collective Agreement throughout their terms.

A questionnaire must be distributed to the members of each bargaining unit at least five (5) months prior to the expiration of their respective current Collective Agreement. The Bargaining Committee will formulate the proposal from the questionnaire for ratification by the affected membership.

Budget Committee

The Executive Board, all three (3) Trustees and the Chairman of each committee with an operational budget will be members of the Budget Committee. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as Chairman of the Budget Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to draw up an operational budget for CUPE Local 458 to be presented to the membership at the General Meeting held in the month of January, for ratification and adoption.

Bylaws and Policy Committee

It shall be the function of this committee to:
Formulate new bylaw wording as directed by the membership
The committee’s proposals must be submitted to the Executive Board prior to being put to the floor
The committee will comprise of a minimum of two (2) to a maximum of four (4) members
The second year Trustee will be a member of this committee
Prepare a written report to be submitted at the Annual General Meeting in September. Monthly reports shall not be required.

Communications Committee

This is a special ad hoc committee established for a specified purpose and period by the membership at a meeting.  The members shall be elected at the same or another membership meeting or may be appointed by the President or Executive Board.

Education Committee

It shall be the function of this committee to:                                                                                                                            Arrange for representation of the Local at any appropriate and available educational seminar or conference and submit recommendations accordingly to the Executive Board . Shall compile and keep up to date, a list of courses and seminars attended by each member. Instruct delegates in the preparation of reports to the membership on seminars and conferences and maintain a reference file of these reports. Co-operate with the education and with regional education representatives in implementing both the Local’s and CUPE’s policies in the field. Shall implement the Education Program as laid down in the National Defense Regulations.

Good of the Union Committee

It shall be the function of this committee to:
If a member is ill, may send some token of the Local’s concern and desire to help, whether the member is at home or in hospital (flowers etc. up to $80)
Extend the Local’s condolences in the event of the death of a member or one of his/her immediate family and make any other appropriate gesture in accordance with custom or the wishes of the family concerned (flowers or donations to charity of family’s choice up to $80)
Arrange and conduct all social, recreational and retirement activities of the Local either on the committee’s own initiative or as a result of decisions taken at membership meetings. The committee shall be responsible for securing a gift (up to $120.00) for a retiring member and must submit reports and proposals to the Executive Board or to the membership as required. The Executive Board shall be held responsible for the proper and effective function of this committee.

Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee shall consist of the Executive Board. All grievances not settled at the first stage shall be submitted to the Executive with a copy to the CUPE representative. The Chief Shop Steward shall ensure the proper processing of all grievances and report to the Executive Board meeting. Grievances must be in writing on the forms provided by the National Office and be signed by the complainant or complainants and signed by an Officer of the Union.

Health and Safety Committee

It shall be the function of this committee to:
Act as a resource group encouraging and promoting safety and good health practices at the workplace, at home, and at leisure time activities
Be active in the development and submission of reports, briefs, appeals on attitudes and/or rules relating to workplace safety and occupational health alone or in conjunction with the other groups striving for like improvements
Each bargaining unit’s joint Safety Committee and Employee Assistance Program Committee shall have membership on this committee.

Women's Committee

It shall be the function of this committee to:
Hold meetings on a regular basis at a time and place convenient to the majority of the active members of the committee
Appoint one member to be the Local’s contact person for the Fraser Valley District Council Women’s Committee and other affiliated organizations
Act as a support and informational committee to all members of the Local with regards to maternity/paternity leave, equality, sexual harassment and child care
Be comprised of at least two members
Prepare a written report to be submitted at the Annual General Meeting in September of each year.



Equality Statement

Union solidarity is based on the principle that union members are equal and deserve mutual respect at all levels. Any behaviour that creates conflict prevents us from working together to strengthen our union.

As unionists, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals. We should neither condone nor tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic hurts and thereby divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of ability, age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.

Sometimes discrimination takes the form of harassment. Harassment means using real or perceived power to abuse, devalue or humiliate. Harassment should not be treated as a joke. The uneasiness and resentment that it creates are not feelings that help us grow as a union.

Discrimination and harassment focus on characteristics that make us different; and they reduce our capacity to work together on shared concerns such as decent wages, safe working conditions, and justice in the workplace, society and in our union.

CUPE’s policies and practices must reflect our commitment to equality. Members, staff and elected officers must be mindful that all persons deserve dignity, equality and respect.