May Newsletter
Happy May Day!
The International Workers’ Day, or Labour Day in many countries.
Find out the complete procedure for Refusal of Unsafe Work, and the Employer’s responsibilities here: Occupational Health & Safety Regulation
April 2024 Newsletter
Psychological Health and Safety are more important than ever to consider. Emotional and mental stressors have a direct connection to our well being (even showing up in physical ways).
You can download a copy of the Standard here: Mental Health Commission
March 2024 Newsletter

City of Chilliwack Bargaining Update
We have successfully ratified a new Collective Agreement from January 1st, 2024 – December 31st, 2025.
The revised agreement includes language, benefit, vacation, in lieu and premium improvements and a GWI of 10% over the 2 years.
District of Hope Bargaining Update
We have an agreement with the District of Hope, and ratification was successful among our membership and Council. The proposed agreement will see 10% GWI over a two year term. There are significant improvements to language, benefits coverage, sick and retirement gratuity as well as vacation allotments.
Village of Harrison Hot Springs Bargaining Update
Our bargaining dates in July resulted in us reaching an agreement!
The GWI increases are 3.75% for 2022, 4.0% for 2023, 4.25% for 2024.
We were able to achieve greater gratuity and vacation allotments, new and increased premiums, as well as improved benefit coverage.
The Committee did a great job of securing the best deal we could for the members, and we appreciate their participation in this process.
The three year term means that we will start pre-bargaining again in the new year.
Bargaining During Inflation
So many are at or headed to the bargaining table this year, and collectively we can work together to ensure that all workers receive fair wages, amidst inflation.
Find out more about how much you might lose due to inflation here: Inflation Calculator