April 2024 Newsletter

Psychological Health and Safety are more important than ever to consider. Emotional and mental stressors have a direct connection to our well being (even showing up in physical ways).

You can download a copy of the Standard here: Mental Health Commission

March 2024 Newsletter

March Newsletter is out 🍀
Each Unit has specific Collective Agreement language regarding the Grievance Procedure – most are Article 8, but some are Section 8 or Article 7.
Get to know what your language says regarding timelines to bring forward issues, and the steps to resolution.
Not sure if your issue is a grievance? Ask your Steward or Union Officer! They are there to help our members on the job each day. ✊

District of Hope Bargaining Update

We have an agreement with the District of Hope, and ratification was successful among our membership and Council. The proposed agreement will see 10% GWI over a two year term. There are significant improvements to language, benefits coverage, sick and retirement gratuity as well as vacation allotments.

Village of Harrison Hot Springs Bargaining Update

Our bargaining dates in July resulted in us reaching an agreement!

The GWI increases are 3.75% for 2022, 4.0% for 2023, 4.25% for 2024.

We were able to achieve greater gratuity and vacation allotments, new and increased premiums, as well as improved benefit coverage.

The Committee did a great job of securing the best deal we could for the members, and we appreciate their participation in this process.

The three year term means that we will start pre-bargaining again in the new year.

Welcome to our New CUPE 458 Website

CUPE Local 458 In The Valley

We hope this will help keep you up-to-date on everything that’s happening in our local.

Please let us know if there is something you would like to see!


We have added the General Membership Meetings to the Event Calendar.

  • You will need to register for each meeting using your personal email address
  • Once you have registered with your personal email address, you will be sent a confirmation and a meeting link
  • All General Membership Meetings on Zoom will be open 15 minutes early to allow for our members to read the minutes of the previous meeting

For all questions and inquiries, please contact the CUPE 458 Main Office