CUPE Local 458 Education Policy
The education provided to our members will be based on our annual budget that is set each year. This Education Budget gives us guidelines to determine where the best investment will be for the greatest value.
New elected members will be given the first available opportunity to take a workshop that is related to their position.
Delegates will be selected as per Section 12 of Local 458 Bylaws. Each delegate to any educational workshop, seminar, course or other educational opportunity will make a report to the membership as per Section 12 (D) of the Bylaws.
All materials acquired from the courses are to be catalogued and kept as resource material in the library at the office of CUPE Local 458. Resource material may be signed out of the resource library, so all members can benefit from the knowledge.
Local 458 will recognize any courses that are facilitated by unions that are affiliated with CUPE BC, CUPE National, Fraser Valley District Council, Fraser Valley Labour Council, BC Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress.
Courses that are facilitated other than those mentioned will be brought to the Executive Board for review.
Any member that is not considered “in good standing” will not be given the opportunity to be a delegate until such time as the said member has corrected the situation.
Approved by the Membership of CUPE Local 458, this 6th day of March 2019.
CUPE Local 458 Convention & Conference Policy
The convention and conference opportunities provided to our members will be based on our annual budget that is set in January of each year.
Delegates will be selected as per Section 12 of Local 458 Bylaws and in cooperation with CUPE’s request to include young workers, aboriginal workers and workers of colour where possible.
Any member wishing to have their name stand as a delegate must meet the following requirements:
- Must have attended 50% or more meetings of the Local in the past year.
- Preference will be given to an ‘active’ member in the Union for the past year.
- Must agree to remain at the convention/conference until adjournment. Delegates will negatively impact the quorum by leaving the convention/conference early and will not be considered for delegate status in the future, except by appeal to the membership at a General Membership Meeting.
Each delegate to any convention or conference will make a report to the membership as per Section 12 (D) of the Bylaws.
All materials acquired from convention and conferences are to be catalogued and kept as resource material in the library at the office of CUPE Local 458. Resource material may be signed out of the resource library, so all members can benefit from the knowledge.
Local 458 will recognize any courses that are facilitated by unions that are affiliated with CUPE BC, CUPE National, Fraser Valley District Council, Fraser Valley Labour Council, BC Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress.
Any member that is not considered “in good standing” will not be given the opportunity to be a delegate until such time as the said member has corrected the situation.
Approved by the Membership of CUPE Local 458, this 6th day of March 2019.
CUPE Local 458 Credit Card Policy
The Local will possess two credit cards. The cards shall be in the Local’s name not personal names, or as set out by the credit card company’s standards for organizations such as Local 458’s. Documentation from the credit company specifying these standards should be kept in Local 458’s office and with the Secretary Treasurer.
The credit card limit is to be set at $10,000.00 for the President’s card, and $5,000.00 for the Treasurer’s card.
It is recognized that there may be extraordinary circumstances where impromptu purchases must be made on behalf of Local 458 using the Local’s credit cards. Under such extraordinary circumstances this policy provides the President with authorization for expenditures up to $6,500.00 for such impromptu Local 458 purchases. These purchases must be presented to the Executive and/or Membership at the next available meeting if that purchase is not part of the annual budget.
The Local’s credit card may only be used for items specified in the Local’s bylaws, items from an approved budget or items for which proper motions were made by the membership.
The Local’s credit card will be used to Book travel, hotel, flights, car rentals or fee’s where necessary for educational workshops, conferences and conventions.
Purchases, licenses and/or subscriptions where payment by cheque is not possible.
The Local’s credit card may not be used for incidentals during Hotel stays.
One of the Local’s credit cards must be kept in a locked cabinet of Local 458’s office. The President of Local 458 shall be in possession of the second credit card.
No rewards, incentives, points, cash back or benefit of any kind may be personally accumulated while booking flights, rooms, cars, etc. for Union business with either of the local’s credit cards. This applies for any type of payment tendered by Local 458.
Approved by the Membership of CUPE Local 458, this 9th day of March, 2022.